Hello KDE

Hello, my name is Sharaf. My nick on IRC is sh_zam.

My project is to port Krita to android devices. We've been successful in making the APK, but it only works if I build it, as it requires tweaking qt libraries, a bit. At the moment, my goal is to make the build system fully automatic and spit out the signed APKs for different architectures at the end.

Once I do that, I'll move on to UI, events and other fun stuff!

So, there's a lot to do and learn. Now I will go back to coding. (-:

So, thank you KDE for choosing me and I hope I'll learn a lot from this community!


  1. Thank you for working on this as well! I'm trying hard to contain my excitement. :D
    If you need guinea pigs for testing, I'm definitely willing to help out. I have a Lenovo Yoga Book running Android Nougat and a Galaxy Note 9 running Android Pie. Good luck on your exciting adventure!


You can open Mesh Gradients in Krita now!

TL;DR : meshgradient get rendered in Krita just like you'd expect them to render in other apps Well, because I couldn't get Bicubi...